
A List of Eco-Friendly Upgrades to Look for in Your Next House

Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 11:00PM

A List of Eco-Friendly Upgrades to Look for in Your Next House

When you’re interested in buying a new home, you may want to choose a property that already has eco-friendly features. This can save you from having to invest more money into your new home to make upgrades later. Not only that — an eco-friendly home will help you conserve energy, protect the environment, and save on monthly expenses! Just read on to learn how.

Solar Panels Drive Eco-Friendly Real Estate in Asheville

One of the most popular eco-friendly updates you’ll find in today’s real estate market is the addition of solar panel systems. A home with solar panels will save you money each month on your energy bills. Additionally, you’ll use less electricity from limited resources, which is an important step for reducing your household’s carbon footprint.

You should ask your real estate agent about tax credits for buying a home with solar panels. While you won’t get the initial credit for the installation of the panels, you may qualify for an annual tax break for maintaining panels on your property. You can apply those savings toward making future eco-friendly upgrades to your home.

Smart Technology Will Save on Utility Costs

As you tour real estate in Asheville, pay special attention to the thermostat and lighting in each home. Smart home devices will give you more accurate control over heating and cooling. Using your smartphone, you can turn the HVAC system off when no one is home and kick it back on when you’re on your way back.

LED lights that are connected to smart technology can also help you customize your home’s lighting and energy use — and can be turned off via a mobile app. From the comfort of wherever you’re using your phone, you can use a timer for security purposes or adjust the lighting in rooms that are no longer occupied.

Look for Replacement Windows on Older Homes

During the inspection of any Asheville real estate, ask the home inspector about the condition of the windows. Older windows will likely have gaps and crevices that will allow treated air to escape the home. 

You’ll conserve more energy with newer replacement windows, and finding a home with them already installed will save you that initial expense.

Even newer homes may not have energy-efficient windows, so make a point to ask the seller. They should also be able to tell you if the windows are still covered by a warranty if they were recently installed. A closer look at the windows will tell you something about the quality of the installation, too.

Ask About Eco-Friendly Landscaping

Few first-time home buyers realize the importance of eco-friendly landscaping, but that’s changing. You might consider homes with synthetic grass to eliminate the need for wasteful sprinkling systems, chemical treatments, and frequent cuttings. Some newer eco-friendly features include walkways made of mulch or wood chippings. 

As more home buyers express an interest in eco-friendly homes, more sellers will make these upgrades before listing. And if you’re unfamiliar with newer eco-friendly technology, simply ask your real estate agent! Express that you want to buy an eco-friendly home and they will look for homes with those specific features for you. 

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